Complex Processing


Complex processing describes the degree to which processing logic influenced the development of the application. The following components are present:

  • Sensitive control and/or application-specific security processing.
  • Extensive logical processing
  • Extensive mathematical processing
  • Much exception processing, resulting in incomplete transactions that must be processed again.
  • Complex processing to handle multiple input/output possibilities.


Score As Descriptions To Determine Degree of Influence
0 None of the above.
1 Any one of the above.
2 Any two of the above.
3 Any three of the above.
4 Any four of the above.
5 All five of the above.


  • Sensitive control or security process (e.g., individual users would have different access authority to screens where they could view and/or change data) may include special audit processing (audit data would be captured whenever data was viewed and/or changed and reported).
  • Application-specific security processing may include internally developed security processing or use of purchased security packages.
  • Extensive logical processing is Boolean logic (use of ‘AND’, ‘OR’) of greater than average difficulty or a minimum of 4 nested conditional (IF, CASE) statements. Extensive logical processing does not occur in most MIS applications.
  • Extensive mathematical processing is arithmetic that is beyond the capability of a 4-function calculator (add, subtract, multiply, divide). This is usually not present in most MIS applications. However, an engineering application may qualify.
  • Exception processing includes incomplete ATM transactions caused by TP interruption, missing data values, failed validations, or cycle redundancy checks which can be used to recreate lost pieces of data
  • Multiple input/output possibilities include multi-media, device independence, voice, OCR reading, barcode reading, retinal scanning, and Breathalyzer analysis.


Scoring is not platform dependent.