Growth and Acceptance of Function Point Analysis

The acceptance of Function Point Analysis continues to grow. This is indicated by the growth of the International Function Point User Group (IFPUG). Since 1987 membership in IFPUG has grown from 100 members to nearly 600 members in 1997. Additionally, in less than six years conference attendance has grown from 125 in 1988 to over 300 by 1997. Examination of IFPUG clearly indicates that the majority of its is members are from North America, but Function Point analysis growth outside North America is strong. This is evident by the growing number of function point organizations worldwide. There are numerous affiliate organizations of IFPUG. There are affiliate organizations in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, India, The Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and several other countries.

The exercises at the end of the section help the student demonstrate that they have gained the basic knowledge required.