
This guide provides basic instructions on the use of WikiText.
WikiText provides extensions to the Mylyn task editor supporting lightweight markup languages such as Textile and MediaWiki. WikiText also provides a wiki text editor for Eclipse and Ant tasks for converting lightweight markup to HTML and other formats.

For information about integrating your application with WikiText please see the WikiText Developer Guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
    1. Table of Contents
  2. Getting Started
    1. Creating A New File
    2. WikiText Editor Overview
      1. Markup Source Tab
      2. Preview Tab
      3. Outline
      4. Folding
        1. Active Folding
    3. Switching Markup Languages
    4. Accessing the Markup Cheat-Sheet
    5. Project Settings
  3. Task Editor Integration
    1. Repository Configuration
    2. Task Editor Appearance
      1. Task Editor Fonts
    3. Markup for Task Repositories
      1. Markup for Bugzilla
  4. Markup Conversion
    1. Conversion In Eclipse
    2. Conversion using Ant build scripts
      1. PDF and XSLFO
        1. PDF from XSL-FO Quick-Start
      2. DocBook
      3. DITA
        1. wikitext-to-dita - Multiple Files Example
        2. wikitext-to-dita - Single Output File Example
      4. MediaWiki To Eclipse Help
    3. Html To WikiText
    4. Ant Examples
    5. Markup Language Customization
  5. Textile Syntax
    1. Textile Syntax Tips
      1. Whitespace
      2. HTML Literals
      3. Images and DocBook
        1. Inline Images v.s. Block Images
        2. Image Scaling
        3. Image Size
      4. Extended Blocks
    2. Textile Extensions
    3. Examples
    4. Textile Reference
  6. Tips and Tricks
    1. Hot-Keys
    2. Word Completion
    3. Spelling
    4. Content Assist
      1. Cross-References and Content Assist
      2. Template-Based Content Assist
        1. Creating Custom Templates
      3. Selection and Content Assist
    5. Quick Outline
  7. Preferences
    1. Editor Preferences
      1. Font Preferences
    2. Rendering Appearance
  8. More Information
    1. Feedback