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Counting Reports in Multi Media  XML
Forum Index » Counting Related Questions
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Joined: 31/03/2015 00:51:06
Messages: 1

Suppose we need to implement the same report (Same DETS, Same FTR and Same Business logic) in different media (i.e PDF, Excel, CSV). Suppose the report has calculations (it is a EO).
How many reports you count? One for each media? or only one for all the media?
Ryan Schofield

Joined: 03/05/2012 17:11:24
Messages: 8

Here's the IFPUG guide on the topic of counting multiple media.
 Filename IFPUG_Guide_-_Counting_with_Multiple_Media.pdf [Disk] Download
 Filesize 133 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  25334 time(s)

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