Maintenanced Software Dialog

EE Only

This dialog allows you to to adjust the Maintenanced Adjustment Factor based on some settings for relevant properties.

Maintenanced Software Dialog

Software Understanding

Option Description
Software Structure Understanding increpements for structure
  • Very low (very low cohesion, high coupling, spaghetti code)
  • Low (moderately low cohesion, high coupling)
  • Nominal (reasonably well structured, some weak areas)
  • High (high cohesion, low coupling)
  • Very High (strong modularity, information hiding in data/control structure)
Software Clarity Understanding increments for application clarity
  • Very low (no match between program and application worldviews)
  • Low (some correlation between program and application)
  • Nominal (moderate correlation between program and application)
  • High (good correlation between program and application)
  • Very High (clear match between program and application worldviews)
Software Self-Descriptiveness Understanding increments for self-descriptiveness
  • Very low (no match between program and application worldviews)
  • Low (some correlation between program and application)
  • Nominal (moderate correlation between program and application)
  • High (good correlation between program and application)
  • Very High (clear match between program and application worldviews)

Programmer Unfamiliarity

Option Description
Rating Scala
  • Completely familiar
  • Most familiar
  • Somewhat familiar
  • Considerably familiar
  • Mostly unfamiliar
  • Completely unfamiliar

Adaption Adjustment Factor

Option Description
Percent Design Modified Percentage of modified application design
Percent Code Modified Percentage of modified application code
Percent of Integration required for adaptable software Percent of Integration required for adaptable software